2025 Woman of the Year
The Signal Mountain Community Guild is looking for an accomplished woman who, through her volunteer work and/or current career, has enhanced education, charities or philanthropies, and/or civic life on Signal Mountain. The 2025 honoree will be announced at the annual Dogwood Luncheon, which will be held on Wednesday, April 30th from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM in the event space at the Signal Mountain Golf & Country Club.
The deadline for nominations is 5:00 pm, Sunday, April 6, 2025
(Scroll down for the nomination form)
A few guidelines when considering nominating someone for this honor:
The Woman of the Year must be a current resident of the Mountain (37377 zip code) and have resided within that zip code area for a minimum of three (3) years.
Nominees do NOT have to live within the city limits of the town of Signal Mountain.
Nominees do NOT have to be an active member of the Signal Mountain Community Guild.
Persons or clubs sending in nominations may submit more than one name for Woman of the Year.
All past nominees should be re-submitted to the committee annually in order to be placed in consideration for another year.
The winner will not be selected based solely on the number of votes submitted, but rather on the decision of the committee members.
You may know others who wish to write personal letters for your nominee. It is not necessary that these additional letters arrive in the same envelope or packet with your nomination. We are pleased to compile mailed letters as they arrive. Please note that very brief, one or two sentence email nominations are not encouraged.
You may send your nomination as an email attachment or by mailing a hard copy. Keep in mind that the recipient is not announced until the Dogwood Luncheon. However, we will contact you ahead of time if your nominee is selected so that her friends or family will be there to share her surprise.
Please email Kristy McPherson (2025 WOY Chair) at ksilvermcpherson@gmail.com if you have any remaining questions.
Send your completed nomination form to: ksilvermcpherson@gmail.com
Kristy McPherson
1 Rock Crest Drive
Signal Mountain, TN 3
Nomination Form
2024 Honoree, Lara Lee Buchheit serves on the Board of Signal Mountain Social Services (SMSS), helps furnish homes for asylum seekers through Bridge Refugee Services, and is Coordinator for the Chattanooga chapter of JustServe, a free online service linking non-profit organizations with volunteers.